

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them.” – Henry David Thoreau

Have you heard of the word sonder? Sonder is found to be a type of slang word verified in the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, created by John Koenig. You will find poetic and unique new words that create imaginative thought. I was truly inspired by definitions created by thoughts and emotions, rather than traditional meanings found in a standard dictionary. The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is comparable to the Urban Dictionary of not so official words, but a unique way of speaking to express ourselves.

Discovery of the word sonder opened my heart and eyes to see people differently. The very definition tells me that everyone is living their own story with unique issues and insecurities, and even a difference in how we all view the world. NO movie is exactly the same. Some may rate a movie a 5, some may rate that same movie a 3. Does this reveal that the movie is great or mediocre? We all see things differently based on our own perceptions and reality. So, before you judge someone for anything, remember their movie just isn’t your taste, and you don’t have to watch it. Judgment comes from a lack of understanding, lack of knowledge, different perceptions, past experience, and different backgrounds. We each live our own story with different characters and different choices.

Now that you know we are all living in our own movie, remember you can write your own story, make edits, change the mood, change the scene. What is the next scene in your movie? Lights, camera, ACTION!